
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


  • A life of wealth enjoyed by a mind of peace comes most often to men who maintain a positive mental attitude.
  • Control your mental attitude with definiteness of purpose. Emerson said:"The world makes way for a man who knows where he is going."
  • A positive mind tunes in on other positive minds.
  • You cannot have peace of mind while you fear anything or anyone nor while you entertain the kind of anger which brings you to a desire for revenge or a desire to injure another, no matter what the justification may seem to be.
  • Life says yes when you maintain a positive mental attitude.
  • Focus your mind upon a single purpose and you seem to achieve "genius" powers because your mind works far more efficiently.
  • Free yourself of fear, and you free yourself of a man - made devil.
  • When you fear something, that thing is more likely to find you and harm you. When you look a threat in the eye and know you are going to overcome it - that is when great powers come to your aid.